• Pencil2D v0.7.0 RC1 is now available for testing!

    TL;DR: We need your help testing the upcoming Pencil2D release! Download the release candidate version from the links below and let us know if you find any issues.
  • 🎬Behind the Scenes: Pencil2D's New Icon Set

    It’s been a while since we last posted an update here, but we’re back with some exciting news. We’ve been hard at work on Pencil2D and we’d like to take a moment to showcase one of the many new features that will be included in the next version of Pencil2D: a complete redesign of our icon set!
  • Pencil2D v0.6.6 - Bug fix release!

    We’re happy to share with all of you Pencil2D’s most recent release. This time our top priority was fixing the most immediate and pressing issues that not only broke the animation experience but also to patch previously implemented features. Over 330+ individual commits has been added since the last release, to stabilize and improve the software for continued use.
  • Pencil2D in Hacktoberfest 2020

    Hacktoberfest 2020, the once a year open source celebration held by Digital Ocean is coming again!
  • Pencil2D v0.6.5 released!

    It’s been well over 1 year since our last release. Many things have happened for all of us and even though we are still performing post-release tasks and fixing unforeseen bugs, we have persevered to get this version with over 600+ individual tasks. Thus we are releasing Pencil2D v0.6.5 into the wild!
  • Pencil2D in Hacktoberfest 2019!

    + We are pleased to be accepting Hacktoberfest participants again this year and we are calling on everyone to use this opportunity to help improve Pencil2D while getting a chance to earn a free T-shirt! (woo!) We are always in need of C++ / Qt developers, but even if you have no programming experience you may still be able to help us in other ways, so read on! What is...
  • Hotfix for Windows Unicode filename issue

    We just released a hotfix version for a Unicode filename issue found recently on Windows. It fixes a failure of opening a .pclx which has Unicode characters in filenames. Please download the new builds from our Download Page.
  • Pencil2D v0.6.4 released!

    Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you, we have another release for you! Only 2 months after v0.6.3, we are releasing v0.6.4.
  • Pencil2D v0.6.3 is here!

    After 6 months of work, we’re finally ready to wrap up the version 0.6.3 with new features, enhancements and bug fixes that have been worked on by the community. Please download it here and enjoy animating.
  • Share your work & help Pencil2D

    Today me, Tomorrow you Lately we’ve been really quiet mainly because we’re hard at work with the inminent release of version 0.6.3 (it’s coming soon, promise). We’ve also had several proposals and implementations of interesting features submitted by our contributors over the past months, some of them are currently in the works, while others are pending thorough review & approval. With all of this workload it’s very hard for us...
  • Pencil2D in Hacktoberfest 2018!

    + We are pleased to be participating in Hacktoberfest this year and we are calling on everyone to use this opportunity to help make Pencil2D better while earning a free t-shirt! We are mostly in need of C++ developers, but even if you have no programming experience you may still be able to help us in other ways, so read on! Getting Started Hacktoberfest is a month-long celebration of open...
  • Pencil2D v0.6.2 Now Available

    Pencil2D v0.6.2 is here! In this version, we fixed a rather critical file-saving issue. We encourage all users to upgrade to v0.6.2 as soon as possible to avoid any chance that you may lose your work accidentally. Additionally, Pencil2D v0.6.2 comes with heaps of improvements and fixes. Download it now and enjoy animating.
  • Maintenance Release: Pencil2D v0.6.1

    We are excited to announce our first maintenance release after v0.6 with dozens of bug fixes and improvements. Please go to our Download Page and download the new version.
  • Introducing Pencil2D v0.6

    Christmas is getting close, and it’s about time to unwrap one of the presents for you. So yes, it has finally happened: Pencil2D 0.6 was released today!
  • Pencil2D Translations Moved to Transifex!

    The translation platform of Pencil2D has moved to Transifex. From now on, all work on translations will happen there. You can still access to the old OneSky project but it will no longer be maintained and updated.
  • Pencil2D has taken off!

    Hi everyone! A few months ago we launched the website to host Pencil2D, a fork of the original Pencil software, written by Pascal Naidon and Patrick Corrieri, which was no longer being maintained.
  • The Vision for Pencil2D

    Abstract: The document is an attempt at defining the concept behind the Pencil project. It is designed to serve as a reference and guideline for contributors of the Pencil project. I will revise it as it becomes necessary during the evolution of the project and following discussions with contributors and users of Pencil. It is currently based on my original vision and discussions with Oluseyi Sonaiya and Ian Moore.